Quark Pudding

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Lisa R

  • Time icon
    Total Time
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 1 ratings

User generated recipes have not been re-tested by Kenwood.

recipe updated May 16, 2024


  • Butter icon
    150 g
  • Caster sugar icon
    Caster sugar
    180 g
  • Egg yolk icon
    Egg yolk
  • Lemon zest icon
    Lemon zest
    as needed
  • Quark cheese icon
    Quark cheese
    750 g
  • Semolina icon
    225 g
  • Lemon juice icon
    Lemon juice
    as needed
  • Egg white icon
    Egg white


  • kCook icon Spatula
  • kCook icon Oven
  • kCook icon Cooking Chef XL
  • kCook icon Cooking chef xl bowl
  • kCook icon Large mixing bowl
  • kCook icon Baking dish - medium

Step preview

  1. Pre-heat oven - 180°C
  2. Attach the Whisk
  3. Add butter, caster sugar, egg yolk and lemon zest to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  4. Lift the Cooking Chef head and fit the heat shield
  5. Whisk with splashguard fitted - 2 min, Speed 6
  6. Remove the bowl from the machine
  7. Add quark cheese, semolina and lemon juice to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  8. Fold gently until combined
  9. Transfer content of Cooking Chef XL Bowl to large mixing bowl then set aside
  10. Clean Cooking Chef bowl
  11. Attach the Whisk
  12. Add egg white to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  13. Whisk with splashguard fitted until stiff peaks form - 1 min 30 sec, Speed Max
  14. Spoon egg whites into large mixing bowl
  15. Fold gently until combined
  16. Transfer content of large mixing bowl to baking dish
  17. Bake - 45 min, 180°C
  18. Remove from oven
  19. Serve
Open in app

With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.