Ramen Eggs (Ajitsuke Tamago)

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Kenwood https://kenwoodworld.com/

  • Time icon
    Total Time
    8hrs 50mins
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 1 ratings

The ramen egg, seasoned egg, or ajitsuke tamago, is the definitive ramen topping. With a rich yellow yolk and whites stained brown in the salty-sweet marinade, every steaming hot bowl of ramen requires the robust flavour of a seasoned egg. This recipe is easy to make and will, as long as you marinate overnight or longer, change your homemade ramen game forever! Ramen eggs can be kept for up to a week in the fridge, and the marinade can be re-used up to 3 times.

recipe updated Jun 6, 2024


  • Soy sauce icon
    Soy sauce
    200 ml
  • Brown sugar icon
    Brown sugar
    50 g
  • Water icon
    2.8 kg
  • Sake icon
    60 ml
  • Rice wine vinegar icon
    Rice wine vinegar
    60 ml
  • Egg icon


  • kCook icon Cooking Chef XL
  • kCook icon Cooking chef xl bowl
  • kCook icon Plastic container

Step preview

  1. Attach the Stir Tool
  2. Add soy sauce, brown sugar, water, sake and rice wine vinegar to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  3. Lift the Cooking Chef head and fit the heat shield
  4. Cook with splashguard fitted until combined - 1 min, 105°C, Stir 1
  5. Transfer mixture to plastic container
  6. Leave until cool - 30 min
  7. Clean Cooking Chef bowl
  8. Add water to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  9. Remove the Stir Tool
  10. Heat with splashguard fitted until boiling - 5 min, 105°C
  11. Then add egg to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  12. Cook with splashguard fitted until cooked through - 8 min, 105°C, Speed OFF
  13. Remove the eggs with a slotted spoon and cool under running cold water
  14. Peel the eggs
  15. Place the eggs in the container with the marinade
  16. Let rest overnight
  17. Serve
Open in app

With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.