Soy-Pickled Garlic

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Kenwood

  • Time icon
    Total Time
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 1 ratings

While the time for this recipe may look daunting, you will only spend 10 minutes cooking, the rest is hands off time while the sweet, salty flavours develop. The soy sauce allows the garlic to sweeten and become tangy rather and lose the harshness it has when raw. Thinly slice the garlic once it is ready and use it to top stews and braises to cut through the richness. Don't worry if your garlic starts to turn blue - this is a harmless reaction with the vinegar and is perfectly safe to consume. Make sure your jars are sterilised by running through a dishwasher or rinsing with boiling water and drying in a very low oven

recipe updated Mar 6, 2024


  • Garlic heads icon
    Garlic heads
  • Rice vinegar icon
    Rice vinegar
    500 ml
  • Water icon
    400 g
  • Salt icon
    80 g
  • Soy sauce icon
    Soy sauce
    200 ml
  • Sugar icon
    100 g


  • kCook icon Cooking Chef XL
  • kCook icon Airtight container
  • kCook icon Jug
  • kCook icon Cooking chef xl bowl
  • kCook icon Jar

Step preview

  1. Add garlic heads, rice vinegar, water and salt to an clean airtight container
  2. Stir until combined
  3. Refrigerate for three days
  4. After three days, retrieve the marinated garlic from the fridge
  5. Drain content of airtight container into jug
  6. Attach the Stir Tool
  7. Add water, soy sauce and sugar to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  8. Transfer content of jug to Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  9. Lift the Cooking Chef head and fit the heat shield
  10. Cook with splashguard fitted - 3 min, 110°C, Stir 1
  11. Cook with splashguard fitted - 5 min, 98°C, Stir 1
  12. Add the reserved garlic into two 500 ml sterilised jars
  13. Pour content of Cooking Chef XL Bowl into jar
  14. Let cool completely
  15. Refrigerate for 10 days
  16. Serve
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With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.