Lemon Curd

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Kenwood https://kenwoodworld.com/

  • Time icon
    Total Time
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 55 ratings

Lemon Curd is a conserve which can be spread onto scones or as a filling for a sponge cake. It is a great recipe for using up egg yolks leftover from making a meringue and you can combine the two with individual pastry cases to make a 'cheats' lemon meringue pie.

recipe updated Dec 28, 2021


  • Cornflour icon
    25 g
  • Water icon
    25 g
  • Lemon juice icon
    Lemon juice
    250 g
  • Lemon zest icon
    Lemon zest
  • Caster sugar icon
    Caster sugar
    150 g
  • Egg yolk icon
    Egg yolk
  • Unsalted butter icon
    Unsalted butter
    25 g


  • kCook icon kCook Multi
  • kCook icon Small bowl
  • kCook icon Jar
  • kCook icon Kcook bowl

Step preview

  1. Add cornflour and water to a clean small bowl
  2. Combine with tablespoon until dissolved then set aside
  3. Fit whisk tool to kCook bowl
  4. Add lemon juice, lemon zest, caster sugar, egg yolk and unsalted butter to the kCook bowl
  5. Fit kCook bowl to kCook Multi
  6. Transfer flour mixture to kCook bowl
  7. Attach lid to kCook bowl
  8. Whisk with filler cap removed - 8 min, 80°C, speed 6
  9. Transfer content of kCook bowl to jar and cover
  10. Let cool completely
  11. Serve
Open in app

With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.