Creamy Veal with Chicken Sauce

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Nadege Mp

  • Time icon
    Total Time
    1hr 50mins
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 2 ratings

User generated recipes have not been re-tested by Kenwood.

recipe updated Dec 17, 2021


  • Shallot icon
  • Garlic clove icon
    Garlic clove
  • Fresh parsley icon
    Fresh parsley
    1 sprig
  • Lemon icon
  • Olive oil icon
    Olive oil
    1 tablespoon
  • Veal icon
    800 g
  • Dry white wine icon
    Dry white wine
    500 ml
  • Fresh thyme icon
    Fresh thyme
    1 sprig
  • Bay leaves icon
    Bay leaves
  • English mustard icon
    English mustard
    1 tablespoon
  • Chicken stock icon
    Chicken stock
    300 ml
  • Single cream icon
    Single cream
    125 g
  • Cornflour icon
    1 tablespoon
  • Egg yolk icon
    Egg yolk
  • Salt & pepper icon
    Salt & pepper
    as needed
  • Fresh parsley icon
    Fresh parsley
    1 sprig


  • kCook icon Spatula
  • kCook icon Wooden spoon
  • kCook icon kCook Multi
  • kCook icon Large saucepan
  • kCook icon Kcook bowl

Step preview

  1. Fit stir tool to kCook bowl
  2. Add olive oil to the kCook bowl
  3. Fit kCook bowl to kCook Multi
  4. Attach lid to kCook bowl
  5. Heat with filler cap removed - 120°C, speed 3
  6. Then add shallot and veal to the kCook bowl
  7. Cook with filler cap removed - 3 min, 120°C, speed 3
  8. Then add garlic clove, dry white wine, fresh thyme, bay leaves, fresh parsley and English mustard to the kCook bowl
  9. Cook with filler cap fitted - 1 hr 30 min, 120°C, speed 1
  10. Add chicken stock, single cream and cornflour to a clean large saucepan
  11. Heat until boiling and turn off heat - medium-high heat
  12. Add egg yolk, salt & pepper and lemon to the large saucepan
  13. Mix until well combined
  14. Transfer content of large saucepan to kCook bowl
  15. Cook - 5 min, 90°C, speed 3
  16. Serve
  17. Garnish with fresh parsley
Open in app

With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.