Jam Roly Poly

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Kenwood https://kenwoodworld.com/

  • Time icon
    Total Time
    1hr 15mins
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 20 ratings

Serve this classic comfort food with lots of custard on the side. You can make this pudding ahead of time and freeze in slices.

recipe updated Oct 23, 2023


  • Butter icon
    50 g
  • Vanilla extract icon
    Vanilla extract
    ½ teaspoon
  • All purpose flour icon
    All purpose flour
    250 g
  • Baking powder icon
    Baking powder
    3 teaspoons
  • Suet icon
    50 g
  • Milk icon
    150 g
  • Jam icon
    100 g


  • kCook icon Oven
  • kCook icon Kenwood Chef
  • kCook icon Kenwood bowl - kenwood chef
  • kCook icon Large roasting dish

Step preview

  1. Pre-heat oven - 180°C
  2. Place the roasting dish in the oven, fill two thirds full of hot water. Make sure there is an oven shelf above it
  3. Attach K Beater
  4. Add butter, vanilla extract, all purpose flour and baking powder to the Kenwood Bowl
  5. Mix - 1 min 30 sec, Speed 3
  6. Then add suet and milk to the Kenwood Bowl
  7. Mix - 30 sec, Speed 1
  8. Tip the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and knead until it comes together
  9. Roll out into a square about 25 cm by 25 cm
  10. Spread with jam
  11. Leave a gap along one long edge when spreading the jam
  12. Start to roll the dough up, starting from the opposite side to the jam free edge
  13. Slightly pinch the ends of the roll closed
  14. Lay a large piece of foil – about 30 by 40 cm – on a work surface. Cover with a similar sized piece of parchment paper. Butter the parchment paper
  15. Lay the dough onto the parchment paper, seam side down
  16. Loosely bring the edges of the foil together and seal, being careful not to wrap very tightly
  17. Place in the oven, on the self above the roasting dish
  18. Bake - 1 hr, 180°C
  19. Let the pudding sit for 5 minutes before unwrapping
  20. Serve
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With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.