
For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Kenwood https://kenwoodworld.com/

  • Time icon
    Total Time
    1hr 16mins
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 64 ratings

Making polenta using your kCook multi is easy, you can serve it once it's been cooked in the kCook bowl, or you can continue the recipe where we then cool the polenta, cut into discs and fry until crisp and golden. Serve as part of a main meal drizzled with chilli oil and fresh herbs.

recipe updated 17 Dec. 2021


  • Water icon
    750 g
  • Salt icon
    1 teaspoon
  • Polenta icon
    185 g
  • Extra virgin olive oil icon
    Extra virgin olive oil
    2 tablespoons


  • kCook icon Spatula
  • kCook icon Parchment paper
  • kCook icon Stove
  • kCook icon Rolling pin
  • kCook icon kCook Multi
  • kCook icon Frying pan
  • kCook icon Kcook bowl
  • kCook icon Baking pan - 13 x 9"

Step preview

  1. Fit stir tool to kCook bowl
  2. Add water and salt to the kCook bowl
  3. Fit kCook bowl to kCook Multi
  4. Attach lid to kCook bowl with filler cap fitted
  5. Cook with filler cap fitted - 3 min, 100°C, speed 1
  6. Then add polenta to the kCook bowl
  7. Cook with filler cap fitted - 8 min, 98°C, speed 3
  8. Season to taste
  9. Line a clean baking pan with parchment paper
  10. Transfer content of kCook bowl to baking pan
  11. Flatten
  12. Let cool in fridge until completely cool
  13. Cut out into a circle
  14. Add extra virgin olive oil to a clean frying pan
  15. Heat
  16. Cook evenly in frying pan until golden brown
  17. Serve
Open in app

With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.