Oven-Baked Zeppole

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Andrea De Angelis

  • Time icon
    Total Time
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 5 ratings

User generated recipes have not been tested by Kenwood.

recipe updated 6 Jun. 2024


  • Water icon
    250 ml
  • Butter icon
    45 g
  • Plain flour icon
    Plain flour
    150 g
  • Egg icon


  • kCook icon Oven
  • kCook icon Parchment paper
  • kCook icon Cooking Chef XL
  • kCook icon Cooking chef xl bowl
  • kCook icon Piping bag
  • kCook icon Baking tray - large

Step preview

  1. Pre-heat oven - 200°C
  2. Attach the K-Beater
  3. Add water and butter to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  4. Lift the Cooking Chef head and fit the heat shield
  5. Heat - approx 2 min, 98°C
  6. Then add plain flour to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl
  7. Mix with splashguard fitted - approx 1 min, 98°C, Speed 4
  8. Mix with splashguard fitted - 3 min, Speed 3
  9. Add egg to the Cooking Chef XL Bowl one by one while machine is running
  10. Mix with splashguard fitted - 2 min, Speed 3
  11. Fit the piping bag with a large nozzle
  12. Transfer batter to piping bag
  13. Line a clean baking tray with parchment paper
  14. Pipe batter onto baking tray
  15. Bake - 15 min, 200°C
  16. Bake - 10 min, 190°C
  17. Serve
Open in app

With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.