Banana Caramel Chocolate Bars

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Kenwood

  • Time icon
    Total Time
    1hr 0mins
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon

Dark chocolate filled with banana ganache and caramel, what could be better! Try making for gifts or parties and, if you’re only making them for adults, you could add some rum to the banana ganache. We've decorated with white chocolate dots and dried banana chips, but feel free to experiment with other things like flicking the chocolate or using caramel chunks in place of banana chips. We’ve used a bar mould measuring 6cm x 13cm and about 7mm deep.

recipe updated 20 Nov. 2023


  • White chocolate icon
    White chocolate
    50 g
  • Milk chocolate icon
    Milk chocolate
    200 g
  • Dark chocolate icon
    Dark chocolate
    540 g
  • Dried banana icon
    Dried banana
    25 g
  • Thickened cream icon
    Thickened cream
    200 g
  • Banana flavouring icon
    Banana flavouring
    1 teaspoon
  • Caramel icon
    100 g


  • kCook icon Cooking Chef XL
  • kCook icon Piping bag
  • kCook icon Silicone bar molds

Step preview

  1. Add the melted chocolate into a piping bag
  2. Pipe small dots of chocolate into the silicone moulds
  3. Fit the Creaming Beater
  4. Add cream into the appliance bowl, fit the splashguard
  5. Heat - 5 minutes, 50ºC, speed Stir 1
  6. Add the next ingredients
  7. Heat and then scrape the bowl - 3 minutes, 50ºC, speed Stir 1
  8. Heat - 1 minute 30 seconds, 50ºC, speed Stir 1
  9. Transfer the mixture into a piping bag and let cool
  10. Clean the appliance bowl and fit the Creaming Beater
  11. Add 360 g of chocolate into the appliance bowl, fit the splashguard
  12. Heat - 10 minutes, 55ºC, speed Stir 3
  13. Then add 180 g of chocolate
  14. Mix – 3 minutes, speed Stir 2
  15. Heat - 2 minutes, 30ºC, speed Stir 2
  16. Coat the moulds with a layer of chocolate
  17. Chill in the fridge until set
  18. Pipe dollops of the banana ganache into the moulds
  19. Add caramel into a clean piping bag and pipe dollops of caramel into the moulds
  20. Cover with another layer of chocolate
  21. Shake the mould to level the chocolate
  22. Sprinkle with banana chips
  23. Chill in the fridge until solidified – 30 minutes
  24. Serve
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With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.