Festive Meringue Tree

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Kenwood https://kenwoodworld.com/

  • Time icon
    Total Time
    3hrs 30mins
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 7 ratings

This Festive Meringue Tree is a festive dessert showpiece that is made from layers of crispy meringue, whipped cream, and a mixed berry compote. The meringue is shaped into a tall, cone-shaped tree, then topped with dollops of whipped cream and a drizzle of the berry compote. The deep red colour of the compote and whipped cream make it a perfect dessert for the holiday season. The dessert is both visually stunning and delicious, making it a show-stopping addition to any Christmas feast. Add any edible decorations you like to make this piece even more impressive!

recipe updated 19 Jan. 2024


  • Caster sugar icon
    Caster sugar
    480 g
  • Frozen mixed berries icon
    Frozen mixed berries
    500 g
  • Orange icon
  • Icing sugar icon
    Icing sugar
    50 g
  • Thickened cream icon
    Thickened cream
    600 ml
  • Sugar icon
    50 g
  • Vanilla extract icon
    Vanilla extract
    1 teaspoon
  • Egg white icon
    Egg white
  • Cream of tartar icon
    Cream of tartar
    1 teaspoon


  • kCook icon Oven
  • kCook icon Cooking Chef XL
  • kCook icon Piping bag
  • kCook icon Medium bowl
  • kCook icon Serving plate
  • kCook icon Baking tray - large

Step preview

  1. First, make the meringue
  2. Preheat the oven - 100°C
  3. Line the baking tray with parchment paper
  4. Draw seven circles on the parchment paper in the following sizes - 4cm, 6cm, 8cm, 10cm, 12cm, 14cm, 16cm
  5. Turn the paper over – this will be your template
  6. Fit the Whisk Tool
  7. Add the ingredients into the appliance bowl
  8. Mix – 1 minute, speed Max
  9. While the machine is running, gradually add sugar and mix – 6 minutes, speed Max
  10. Transfer the meringue into a piping bag fitted with a large round tip
  11. Pipe seven meringue circles using the template as a guide
  12. Pipe a few individual meringue kisses – this will be the tip of the meringue tree
  13. Bake – 1 hour, 100°C
  14. Turn the oven off and leave the meringue inside to cool – 1 hour
  15. Now, make the berry compote
  16. Clean the appliance bowl and fit the Stir Tool
  17. Add the ingredients into the appliance bowl, fit the splashguard
  18. Cook – 3 minutes, 105°C, speed Stir 1
  19. Transfer the compote into a medium bowl and let cool
  20. Now, make the whipped cream
  21. Clean the appliance bowl and fit the Whisk Tool
  22. Add the ingredients into the appliance bowl
  23. Mix until firm peaks form – 3 minutes, speed Max
  24. Chill in the fridge until ready to use
  25. Now, assemble the meringue tree
  26. Add a small amount of the whipped cream to a serving plate
  27. Place the largest circle of meringue onto the serving plate
  28. Spread a layer of whipped cream onto the meringue
  29. Then spread a layer of berry compote
  30. Place the next smaller size of circle of meringue onto the berry compote
  31. Repeat the same layering and spreading process with the remaining meringues, whipped cream and berry compote
  32. Finish by placing the individual meringue kisses on top of the tree
  33. Serve
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With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.