Ox Cheek Stew

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Kenwood https://kenwoodworld.com/

  • Time icon
    Total Time
    2hrs 30mins
  • Serves icon
  • Calories icon
based on 47 ratings

Ox Cheek Stew is a classic stew for a cold winters evening.

recipe updated 18 Oct 2021


  • Ox cheek icon
    Ox cheek
    500 g
  • Onion icon
    150 g
  • Celery stalk icon
    Celery stalk
  • Portobello mushroom icon
    Portobello mushroom
    200 g
  • Baby potato icon
    Baby potato
    220 g
  • Plain flour icon
    Plain flour
    3 tablespoons
  • Olive oil icon
    Olive oil
    3 tablespoons
  • Garlic clove icon
    Garlic clove
  • Salt & pepper icon
    Salt & pepper
    1 pinch
  • Red wine icon
    Red wine
    125 g
  • Beef stock icon
    Beef stock
    250 g
  • Tomato purée icon
    Tomato purée
    2 tablespoons
  • Horseradish sauce icon
    Horseradish sauce
    2 teaspoons
  • Crème fraîche icon
    Crème fraîche
    as needed


  • kCook icon kCook Multi
  • kCook icon Kcook bowl
  • kCook icon Medium bowl

Step preview

  1. Fit thick slicing disc (5) to direct prep attachment
  2. Fit direct prep attachment to kCook Multi
  3. Add ox cheek and plain flour to a clean medium bowl
  4. Season to taste
  5. Mix then set aside
  6. Fit stir tool to kCook bowl
  7. Add olive oil to the kCook bowl
  8. Fit kCook bowl to kCook Multi
  9. Attach lid to kCook bowl
  10. Heat with filler cap removed - 140°C, speed 3
  11. Turn direct prep attachment to position 1
  12. Slice onion, celery stalk and portobello mushroom into the kCook bowl with direct prep attachment
  13. Turn direct prep attachment to position 2
  14. Add garlic clove to the kCook bowl
  15. Transfer content of medium bowl to kCook bowl
  16. Cook with filler cap removed - 2 min, 140°C, speed 4
  17. Cook with filler cap removed - 3 min, 140°C, speed 3
  18. Then add salt & pepper and red wine to the kCook bowl
  19. Cook with filler cap fitted - 10 min, 120°C, speed 1
  20. Then add beef stock, tomato purée, horseradish sauce and baby potato to the kCook bowl
  21. Cook with filler cap fitted - 2 hr, 98°C, speed 1
  22. Serve
  23. Garnish with crème fraîche to taste
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With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.