Whipped Cream

For the full experience, make this recipe with the Kenwood Recipes app.

recipe by Kenwood https://kenwoodworld.com/

  • Time icon
    Total Time
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based on 111 ratings

An essential recipe that makes perfect whipped cream every time. Make sure your bowl is cold and that the cream has come directly from the fridge. This recipe will give you a whipped cream with soft peaks. Whisk for an extra 10 seconds to obtain stiff peaks

recipe updated Nov 3, 2022


  • Whipping cream icon
    Whipping cream
    300 ml


  • kCook icon kCook Multi
  • kCook icon Kcook bowl

Step preview

  1. Fit whisk tool to kCook bowl
  2. Add whipping cream to the kCook bowl
  3. Fit kCook bowl to kCook Multi
  4. Attach lid to kCook bowl
  5. Whisk with filler cap removed - 1 min 40 sec, speed 7
  6. Serve
Open in app

With the Kenwood World app and a connected kCook Multi, you can create this dish in your own kitchen with ease.